Thursday, February 26, 2015

Special homework project.

It would be really helpful for me to get an idea of your thoughts and feelings on what we have covered so far. For each section, would you discuss:
how much you liked it,
what parts you understood or did not understand so well,
the meaning and significance of each part to you,
any connections you see with other topics in this class (or elsewhere), and anything else you might like to add.

If I remember correctly, the things we have cover so far could be briefly described as:
1) Bloch states for a spatially periodic 1D crystal (starting with the Schrodinger equation)
2) band which form from a 3 bound state square well atom arranged into a 1D crystal,
3) electron specific heat of a metal,
4) magnetic susceptibility of a metal,
5) influence of e-e interaction on magnetic susceptibility,
6) origin of ferromagnetic instability, ferromagnetism as a spontaneous spin alignment driven by e-e interaction,
7) Description of a single band with only nearest neighbor overlap (I) (for a 1D crystal) using a matrix vector form of the Schrodinger equation,
8) Introduction of disorder into the matrix formulation.

You can send me your thoughts by email. It is fine, encouraged even, to do a quick response and then follow up with a more nuanced, detailed response when you have time.  Thanks. 

PS. Please feel free to ask questions here or by email.

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