Friday, February 6, 2015

Electron Repulsion

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  1. Those plots are fantastic! I know it doesn't particularly matter in the end, but are you sure \( 1/ \sqrt{2} \) is the appropriate normalization, and not 1/2 ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My final wave functions are correct, but I believe you caught an error of mine early on...In the "naive" simple function (plotted in the first two figure), which does not compensate for indistinguishability, the factor of 1/\(\sqrt{2}\) is unnecessary and thus erroneous. The plots are actually done with the correct normalization, I just accidentally threw in that 1/\(\sqrt{2}\) in the description for some reason. I'll see if I can upload that correction later. With that factor removed, it should make sense why the overall normalization on the final wave functions is 1/\(\sqrt{2}\).
