Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Developed Time Step Simulation

Here is a more developed form of the time step simulation. I've included the actual python script used to run it at the bottom of this post (if anybody knows a better way to post it let me know). Note that it is based on python 2, and requires the NumPy and Gnuplot python libraries to run. I've tried to document it well, but let me know if you have any questions.

Below are a few examples of what it can do. The first is a simulation of a perfect set of 1000 wells. The second is a simulation with the exact same parameters, but now with random gaussian disorder* of I/2 throughout, where I = 1 eV. The third has random gaussian disorder of I/3, and (as was requested by Mark) a linear adjustment to the wells, representing something like an electric field. Note that this last one also includes a new feature of a title with the disorder level and a countdown timer.

*disorder means the standard deviation of the gaussian distribution

Perfect Wells

Disorder I/2

Disorder I/3 and linear dependence

import numpy
from numpy import matrix
import math
import cmath
import Gnuplot
import random

#simulation constants (you probably don't need to change these)
I = 1.0 #eV
E0 = 16 #eV  ... this should not matter?
hbar = 6.582119 * ( 10**(-16) ) #eV*seconds
well_width = 2 #angstroms?
delta_t = hbar/(I) #seconds

#simulation parameters (change these at will)
disorder = I/3.0 #disorder of wells
time_steps = 2000 #steps of the simulation
m_size = 1000 #size of the matrix and vector
X0 = 500 #initial well that the wavefunction is localized in

#gnuplot parameters
output = 'output/simTest00.gif'
picture_count = 1000
delay = 2
#boundries of plot
xmin = 450
xmax = 550
ymin = 0
ymax = 0.2

eof = 'e' #end of file for gnuplot
#initialize gnuplot
GP = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
GP( 'set term gif animate delay '+ str(delay) )
GP( 'set output \"' + output + '\" ' )
xr = '[' + str(xmin) + ':' + str(xmax) + ']' #x range
yr = '[' + str(ymin) + ':' + str(ymax) + ']' #y range

#establish matrices
H     = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.zeros( shape=(m_size,m_size) ) ) #Hamiltonian
Ident = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.zeros( shape=(m_size,m_size) ) ) #Identity matrix
psi   = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.zeros( shape=(m_size,1) ) )      #wavefunction vector

#define any number of different disorder formats and choose them below

#produces random disorder with a gaussian distribution with
#a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of "disorder"
def random_gauss_disorder(disorder):
    return random.gauss(0,disorder)
#end random_gauss_disorder

#produces changes in the well in a linear progression
def linear_progression(well):
    multiplier = 1
    change = multiplier * well
    return change
#end linear_progession

#causes a sudden change in the wells at the edges
def cut_off(well):
    left_edge = 300
    right_edge = 800
    change = 0
    if (left_edge < well) and (well < right_edge):
        return 0
        return change
#end cut_off


psi[X0] = 1
for i in range(0,m_size):
    #fill diagonal elements of H
    E = E0 + random_gauss_disorder(disorder) + linear_progression(i)
    H[i,i] = E
    #fill off-diagonal elements of H
    if not i == 0: H[i-1,i] = I
    if not i == m_size-1: H[i+1,i] = I
    #fill diagonal elements of Identity matrix
    Ident[i,i] = 1

M = Ident - ( 1j*(delta_t/hbar)*H ) # multiply by 1j for sqrt(-1)

print H
print M

print psi

picture_step = time_steps / picture_count
pic_counter  = 0

for step in range (0,time_steps):
    #time step iteration multiplication
    psi = M*psi

    #normalize vector
    con_tran = psi.transpose().conjugate()
    inner_product = (con_tran*psi)[0,0].real
    norm = 1 / math.sqrt(inner_product)
    psi = norm*psi

    if ( step == picture_step*pic_counter ):
        #find absolute squared amplitude of wave vector
        amp_list  = []
        for p in psi.tolist():
            sqr_real = math.pow(p[0].real,2)
            sqr_imag = math.pow(p[0].imag,2)
            abs_sqr = sqr_real + sqr_imag
        #turn amp_list into point format for gnuplot
        point_string_list = []
        for i in range( 0, len(amp_list) ):
            x = str(i)
            y = str( amp_list[i] )
            point = x + ' ' + y
        #plot data
        title = 'time = ' + str(time_steps-step) + ' ; disorder ' + str(disorder)
        GP('plot '+xr+yr+'\"-\" with boxes title \"' + title + '\"' )
        for point in point_string_list: GP(point)
        print step        #END TIME STEP ITERATIONS


  1. Thanks Chris. This looks nice.

    Have you, or has anyone else, gotten results for:
    1) packet width as a function of time?
    2) asymptotic value of the packet width vs time, aka localization length scale, as a function of degree of disorder?
    3) Hmm. what else could we do with this?

  2. Oops. I meant wave function (probabillity density) width. That thing we talked about. I think you can write n or n2 as matrices and take an inner product with the matrix in the middle.

  3. Thanks again Chris. The more I think about this the more I think that it may be possible to build other projects off of it that other people (or you) may want to do.

    I think that if we can utilize ways to "interrogate" the wave-function, then we can go deeper and maybe increase our understanding of the quantum behavior of electrons in a lattice (that is, solid state physics).

    1) Suppose we ask: where is it? We can answer that with the expectation value of n, which I think can be written as the vector matrix multiplication, Psi . N . Psi, where N is the matrix with 1,2,3,4,5,6,... on the diagonal.

    2) How localized is it? That involves a familiar combination of the expectation value of n and n^2 (which also involves the matrix n^2 with 1,4,9,16,... on the diagonal. Does that make sense?

  4. Here is a possible project. For the case of "linear dependence" look at the position and speed of the electron as a function of time with and without disorder? What is the nature of that time dependence? linear? quadratic? How does disorder effect that? If we work on that please keep me/us posted and maybe more interesting things may emerge...

  5. PS. Is there a practical way to link to all of your results so that people who weren't their on Monday can see that and so that we will have something to refer to? Thanks.
