Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Results\Progress from Class
In the above expression the first part of the sum is the energy assuming constant density of states and one energy band that starts from 0.
Considering the only first part we showed that differentiating with respect to \( N_+ \) we get \( N_+=N/2 \) for minimum energy. Therefore the equilibrium dictated equal distribution of spin up and spin down.
The next two terms in the sum above where derived by counting. The first term is for the up up or down down spin and the second for the up down spins. As you can see we followed Zack's instructions for the energy contribution of each configuration.
We did not have time to graph or to take the derivative of the expression to find the new equilibrium as the counting took some time but I think everyone is on the same page!
Rationalization of the expression above:
\(N_{\pm} \) C 2 yields the number of possible up-up or down-down pairs
\( N_+*(N-N_+) \) yields the number of up down spins.
A sanity check could be seeing whether the total pairs N C 2
N C 2= \(N_+ \) C 2 + \(N_- \) C 2 + \( N_+*(N-N_+) \)
*C means choose
Today's Class (Wednesday).
I won't be there for today's class. What I would like you to do is to work together, perhaps in groups, on creating the model for magnetism based on the concepts in the post "Influence of electron interactions in a band metal."
The key things are the dependence of the total band energy on \(N_{up}\) using the constant D(E) assumption, and the dependence of the total e-e energy on \(N_{up}\) based on counting pairs and our assumed difference between same spin and opposite spin pairs. (See my comment reply to Georges comment to the post "Influence of electron interactions in a band metal.".
I would strongly suggest that you not spend much time questioning the assumptions. I don't think you will get anywhere with that. We will address those issues on Friday.
Count pairs. Get graphs of the total band energy and the e-e energy as a function of \(N_{up}\).
The key things are the dependence of the total band energy on \(N_{up}\) using the constant D(E) assumption, and the dependence of the total e-e energy on \(N_{up}\) based on counting pairs and our assumed difference between same spin and opposite spin pairs. (See my comment reply to Georges comment to the post "Influence of electron interactions in a band metal.".
I would strongly suggest that you not spend much time questioning the assumptions. I don't think you will get anywhere with that. We will address those issues on Friday.
Count pairs. Get graphs of the total band energy and the e-e energy as a function of \(N_{up}\).
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Underlying physics
The underlying physics that elucidates why the electron-electron might be influenced by the spin state involves multi-electron states, and that is something we haven't really gone over. The simplest case is two electrons, but even that has some interesting subtleties. It is not just what states are occupied that matters. I'll try to do a post on that later, but if anyone has some experience and interest in two electron states, feel free to do a post. I believe that the influence of the spin state on the e-e interaction has to do with the correlations built into the multi-electron state via symmetrization.
Influence of electron interactions in a band metal.
Let's make it a goal to finish by Friday our problem involving the possible influence of electron repulsion in a band metal. Specifically, we are considering N electrons in a band that has a total of 2N states and which has a constant DOS. So \(D_o B = 2N\), where B is the bandwidth and N is the number of sites in the crystal.
We know how to calculate the energy of the system (at T=0), by integrating over the occupied states. (Can someone post that integral here?) We spoke about imagining separating the DOS into two equal halves, one for spin up and one for down. With that in mind one can then calculate the total energy of the system as a function of N_up and N_down. Can someone do that and post it here. Can you post a graph of the energy of the system as a function of \(N_{up}\)? Then we can consider and discuss what is the equilibrium value and what might influence the extent of fluctuations away from equilibrium. We assume \(N_{up} + N_{down} =N\). Does that make sense? What does that plot look like? What is the equilibrium value?
Now let's suppose every electron interacts with every other electron with an interaction expectation value \(e^2/L\) (where L=Na). How many electron pairs are there if there are 100 atoms and 100 electrons in this band? How many are there if there are N electrons? What is the total electron-electron interaction energy?
Then let's make a slightly different assumption. Let's suppose that every spin up electron interacts with every other spin up electron with a smaller energy, \(e^2/2L\). Same for down- down pairs. The interactions between up and down pairs we leave at the larger value \(e^2/L\). (Does that make sense? Perhaps someone an explain that more lucidly?) How does this new assumption change and influence things? What is the total electron electron repulsion energy with this assumption. Graph it as a function of \(N_{up}\). Think about it and discuss.
We know how to calculate the energy of the system (at T=0), by integrating over the occupied states. (Can someone post that integral here?) We spoke about imagining separating the DOS into two equal halves, one for spin up and one for down. With that in mind one can then calculate the total energy of the system as a function of N_up and N_down. Can someone do that and post it here. Can you post a graph of the energy of the system as a function of \(N_{up}\)? Then we can consider and discuss what is the equilibrium value and what might influence the extent of fluctuations away from equilibrium. We assume \(N_{up} + N_{down} =N\). Does that make sense? What does that plot look like? What is the equilibrium value?
Now let's suppose every electron interacts with every other electron with an interaction expectation value \(e^2/L\) (where L=Na). How many electron pairs are there if there are 100 atoms and 100 electrons in this band? How many are there if there are N electrons? What is the total electron-electron interaction energy?
Then let's make a slightly different assumption. Let's suppose that every spin up electron interacts with every other spin up electron with a smaller energy, \(e^2/2L\). Same for down- down pairs. The interactions between up and down pairs we leave at the larger value \(e^2/L\). (Does that make sense? Perhaps someone an explain that more lucidly?) How does this new assumption change and influence things? What is the total electron electron repulsion energy with this assumption. Graph it as a function of \(N_{up}\). Think about it and discuss.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
E vs q for All States
Below are my general solutions to the energies for an infinite set of square wells, as well as my specific solutions to the E1 and E3 states.
Here are my constants:
Here are the steps to get here and general equations for all states, in case I got anything wrong:
Following from previous discussions we have
\( E_q = E_0 + 2cos(qc)I_{11}^m \)
\( I_{11}^m = < \phi_0 (x) | V (x-c) | \phi_0 (x-c)> \)
\( < \phi_0 (x) | V (x-c) | \phi_0 (x-c)> = \int_{c-b}^{c+b} \phi_0^* (x) V_0 (x-c) \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
\( = V_0 \int_{c-b}^{c+b} \phi_0^* (x) \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
\( \phi_0(x) \) between c-b and c+b is the exponentially falling tail of the wave function centralized at x = 0, and is the same for even and odd functions.
\(\phi_0 (x-c)\) between c-b and c+b is the sinusoidal wave function centered at x=c, and varies from even to odd.
\( = V_0 \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
odd \( = V_0 D \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} sin(k(x-c)) dx \)
even \( = V_0 D \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} cos(\kappa(x-c)) dx \)
odd \( \frac{V_0 D A e^{-\kappa c}}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ k(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) - \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
even \( \frac{V_0 D B e^{-\kappa c}}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) + k(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
odd \( E_q = E_0 + \frac{V_0 D A e^{-\kappa c} cos(qc)}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ k(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) - \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
even \( E_q = E_0 + \frac{V_0 D B e^{-\kappa c} cos(qc)}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) + k(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
Here are my constants:
Well width: a = 2b = 1 Angstrom
Well Depth: \(V_0\) = 250 eV
Well Spacing (from one center to another): c = 1.75 Angstroms (chosen because it causes essentially no difference in E1, but a very large difference in E3)
E1 = -226 eV , k = 2.51 Angstroms^(-1) , \(\kappa\) = 7.7 Angstroms^(-1)
D = 1.26 Angstroms^(-1/2), B = 0.39 Angstroms^(-1/2)
E3 = -50 eV , k = 7.24 Angstroms^(-1) , \(\kappa\) = 3.62 Angstroms^(-1)
D = 1.14 Angstroms^(-1/2), B = -1.01 Angstroms^(-1/2)
\( E_q^1 = -226 + 0.46cos(1.75q) \)
\( E_q^3 = -50 + 32cos(1.75q) \)
Here are the steps to get here and general equations for all states, in case I got anything wrong:
Following from previous discussions we have
\( E_q = E_0 + 2cos(qc)I_{11}^m \)
\( I_{11}^m = < \phi_0 (x) | V (x-c) | \phi_0 (x-c)> \)
\( < \phi_0 (x) | V (x-c) | \phi_0 (x-c)> = \int_{c-b}^{c+b} \phi_0^* (x) V_0 (x-c) \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
\( = V_0 \int_{c-b}^{c+b} \phi_0^* (x) \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
\( \phi_0(x) \) between c-b and c+b is the exponentially falling tail of the wave function centralized at x = 0, and is the same for even and odd functions.
\(\phi_0 (x-c)\) between c-b and c+b is the sinusoidal wave function centered at x=c, and varies from even to odd.
\( = V_0 \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} \phi_0 (x-c) dx \)
odd \( = V_0 D \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} sin(k(x-c)) dx \)
even \( = V_0 D \int_{c-b}^{c+b} e^{- \kappa x} cos(\kappa(x-c)) dx \)
odd \( \frac{V_0 D A e^{-\kappa c}}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ k(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) - \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
even \( \frac{V_0 D B e^{-\kappa c}}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) + k(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
odd \( E_q = E_0 + \frac{V_0 D A e^{-\kappa c} cos(qc)}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ k(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) - \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
even \( E_q = E_0 + \frac{V_0 D B e^{-\kappa c} cos(qc)}{k^2 + \kappa^2} [ \kappa(e^{2b\kappa} - 1) cos(bk) + k(e^{2b\kappa} + 1) sin(bk) ] \)
\( E_q^1 = -226 + 327,050e^{-7.7c}cos(cq) \)
\( E_q^3 = -50 + 17,885e^{-3.62c}cos(cq) \)
Does this look reasonable?
Friday, January 23, 2015
Finite Well Wave Functions
Here are some plots I made for our 1A wide, 250 eV deep well:
I'll add the constants used to generate them in a comment.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
What to do now?
Here are my suggestions. Feel free to add your own.
1) I think we need a beautiful graph showing the 3 (or 4) bound states all together on the same scale so we can really compare how they look and how far they extend outside the well.
2) Some \(I_{11}^m\) calculations for m=1, 2, 3 for some value of a.
3) Some nice plots of E vs q with the bandwidths and band gaps all worked out?
4) other stuff? what would you like to see?
Also, can someone do a lattice specific heat post (in response to question 2).
How about if we post stuff here and try to get this all done by Friday. Then we can start some new interesting things.
PS. Multiplying by c^2 to get away from mks units and into eV-A or eV-nm can be helpful. For example, for calculating k and kappa, one can multiply through by c to get:
\( k =
\sqrt{\frac{2mc^2(E+V_0)}{\hbar^2c^2}} \)
1) I think we need a beautiful graph showing the 3 (or 4) bound states all together on the same scale so we can really compare how they look and how far they extend outside the well.
2) Some \(I_{11}^m\) calculations for m=1, 2, 3 for some value of a.
3) Some nice plots of E vs q with the bandwidths and band gaps all worked out?
4) other stuff? what would you like to see?
Also, can someone do a lattice specific heat post (in response to question 2).
How about if we post stuff here and try to get this all done by Friday. Then we can start some new interesting things.
PS. Multiplying by c^2 to get away from mks units and into eV-A or eV-nm can be helpful. For example, for calculating k and kappa, one can multiply through by c to get:
\( \kappa =
\sqrt{\frac{2mc^2(-E)}{\hbar^2 c^2}} \)
\(mc^2 = 0.511 \times 10^6 \) eV
\(\hbar c = 1970\) eV-ACreating bands using square well eigenstates.
Now that we have the single square well bound state problem pretty well under control, let's use those states to create bands. One thing you can do to start is a conceptual drawing. In this we are guided by the Bloch form of the crystal eigenstate and the approximation we used before, where only \(I_{11}\) and maybe another overlap integral, one that is unitless, were kept. Keep it simple. Don't expand the approach beyond that.
1st suggestion: Use specific states and actual numbers for A, B, D, k and kappa. Anything you do with symbols will probably inconclusive and unhelpful. My preference is for the 250 eV deep, 1A well, but any of them are okay. Note that for the 1A wells E3 is the highest energy bound state.*
2nd suggestion: Pick a good separation. One with some overlap but not too much. Maybe about 1 A? or 0.5 A?
3rd suggestion: Sketch the integrands. Pay attention to signs. Remember that \(I_{11}\) is an overlap integral with units of energy and that the q dependence is separate from that. The sign of \(I_{11}\) effects the qualitative nature of the q dependence.
1st suggestion: Use specific states and actual numbers for A, B, D, k and kappa. Anything you do with symbols will probably inconclusive and unhelpful. My preference is for the 250 eV deep, 1A well, but any of them are okay. Note that for the 1A wells E3 is the highest energy bound state.*
2nd suggestion: Pick a good separation. One with some overlap but not too much. Maybe about 1 A? or 0.5 A?
3rd suggestion: Sketch the integrands. Pay attention to signs. Remember that \(I_{11}\) is an overlap integral with units of energy and that the q dependence is separate from that. The sign of \(I_{11}\) effects the qualitative nature of the q dependence.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Calculating energy as a function of lattice spacing
For this post I will attempt to write out expression for \( E_q \) in terms of even and odd \( \phi_0 \)
Odd wave functions \( \phi(x-mc)_{odd} = \begin{cases} -D e^{\kappa (x-mc)}, & x < mc-a/2 \\ A sin(kx), & mc-a/2 < x < mc+a/2 \\ D e^{-\kappa (x-mc)}, & x > mc+a/2 \end{cases} \)
Even wave functions \( \phi(x-mc)_{even} = \begin{cases} D e^{\kappa (x-mc)}, & x < mc-a/2 \\ B cos(kx), & mc-a/2 < x < mc+a/2 \\ D e^{-\kappa (x-mc)} & x > mc+a/2 \end{cases} \)
Just like the First Homework we can construct a hamiltonian but this time
Preliminary Part for Homework
Here is
what I got as result for the preliminary part:
The ground
state energy, n=1, of a finite well with width a = 0.6 Å:
\(E_n =
\frac{\hbar ^2 \pi^2}{2ma^2} n^2 \)
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Homework for Wednesday.
New homework post. I would really like you to do this by Wednesday. That way we can keep moving. Does that seem reasonable? Can you do it?? Plus, problem 1 provides the underpinning for this class and your future understanding of solid state physics, so it is worth wasting some time on I hope.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Specific Heat
Hey everyone.
I promised to complete a write-up about our findings in class, and here I am. Earlier, we found the relationship between the total energy (let's call this \( U \) for now) and the density of states \( D(E) \) :
\[ U = \int _{\text{bottom}} ^{\text{top}} D(E) \, f(E) \, E \, dE \quad \text{where} \quad f(E) = \frac{1}{1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}} \]
For neatness' sake, I'll use \( E_b \) and \(E_t\) to denote the bottom and the top of the band, respectively.
Q: How do we relate this to specific heat?
From \( C_V = \frac{\Delta U}{\Delta T} \) (the specific heat at constant volume), we can write
\[ C_V = \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \int_{E_b}^{E_t} D(E)\,f(E)\,E\,dE \\
\int_{E_b}^{E_t} D(E)\, \frac{\partial f(E)}{\partial T}\,E\,dE. \\
\text{Given that} \quad \frac{\partial f(E_b)}{\partial T}D(E_b) \approx 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{\partial f(E_t)}{\partial T}D(E_t) \approx 0 \quad \text{rather strongly,} \]
we can justify \( D(E) \approx D(E_0) = constant \), the density of states at the ground energy. So,
\[ C_V \approx D(E_0) \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{\partial f(E)}{\partial T}\,E\,dE = D(E_0) \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{\frac{E-\mu}{kT^2}\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}}{(1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT])^2}}\,E\,dE \]
where \( \mu \) is something we didn't really get to discuss in depth... anyway,
\[ C_V \approx \frac{D(E_0)k}{T} \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{(E-\mu)\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}}{(1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT])^2}}\,E\,\frac{dE}{kT}. \]
We can make this integration easier by letting our limits go to infinity instead. Physically, we're only including negligible contributions by doing this, so I'm pretty comfortable with that. Furthermore, substituting \( x = (E-\mu)/kT \) and \( dx = dE/kT \), we get
\[ C_V \approx \frac{D(E_0)(kT)^2}{T} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{E}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \left[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{E-\mu}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx + \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{\mu}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \right] \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \left[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{x^2e^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx + \frac{\mu}{kT} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \right] \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{x^2e^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \]
since the second integral indeed cancels out by asymmetry. We are left with an immediately repulsive integral, but closer inspection à la Wolfram reveals true beauty:
\[ C_V \approx D(E_0)k^2T \frac{\pi^2}{3} \]
As promised, this constant (\( \pi^2/3 \)) is a small contribution in the scheme of things, since \( D(E_0) \), which is proportional to the number of atoms in the crystal, is such a large number by comparison.
Really, the take-away seems to be that heat capacity is linear with respect to temperature... at least to a first order approximation. At the same time, it's interesting to note that this approach implies that different values of \(\mu\) and \(E\) don't affect the heat capacity whatsoever, though that could be a result inherent to either the rough handling of \(\mu\) or the idealized 1-dimensional nature of the problem.
Have a great 3-day weekend everyone.
I promised to complete a write-up about our findings in class, and here I am. Earlier, we found the relationship between the total energy (let's call this \( U \) for now) and the density of states \( D(E) \) :
\[ U = \int _{\text{bottom}} ^{\text{top}} D(E) \, f(E) \, E \, dE \quad \text{where} \quad f(E) = \frac{1}{1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}} \]
For neatness' sake, I'll use \( E_b \) and \(E_t\) to denote the bottom and the top of the band, respectively.
Q: How do we relate this to specific heat?
From \( C_V = \frac{\Delta U}{\Delta T} \) (the specific heat at constant volume), we can write
\[ C_V = \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \int_{E_b}^{E_t} D(E)\,f(E)\,E\,dE \\
\int_{E_b}^{E_t} D(E)\, \frac{\partial f(E)}{\partial T}\,E\,dE. \\
\text{Given that} \quad \frac{\partial f(E_b)}{\partial T}D(E_b) \approx 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{\partial f(E_t)}{\partial T}D(E_t) \approx 0 \quad \text{rather strongly,} \]
we can justify \( D(E) \approx D(E_0) = constant \), the density of states at the ground energy. So,
\[ C_V \approx D(E_0) \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{\partial f(E)}{\partial T}\,E\,dE = D(E_0) \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{\frac{E-\mu}{kT^2}\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}}{(1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT])^2}}\,E\,dE \]
where \( \mu \) is something we didn't really get to discuss in depth... anyway,
\[ C_V \approx \frac{D(E_0)k}{T} \int_{E_b}^{E_t} \frac{(E-\mu)\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT]}}{(1+\exp{[(E-\mu)/kT])^2}}\,E\,\frac{dE}{kT}. \]
We can make this integration easier by letting our limits go to infinity instead. Physically, we're only including negligible contributions by doing this, so I'm pretty comfortable with that. Furthermore, substituting \( x = (E-\mu)/kT \) and \( dx = dE/kT \), we get
\[ C_V \approx \frac{D(E_0)(kT)^2}{T} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{E}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \left[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{E-\mu}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx + \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\frac{\mu}{kT}xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \right] \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \left[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{x^2e^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx + \frac{\mu}{kT} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{xe^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \right] \\
\approx D(E_0)k^2T \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{x^2e^x}{(1+e^x)^2}\,dx \]
since the second integral indeed cancels out by asymmetry. We are left with an immediately repulsive integral, but closer inspection à la Wolfram reveals true beauty:
\[ C_V \approx D(E_0)k^2T \frac{\pi^2}{3} \]
As promised, this constant (\( \pi^2/3 \)) is a small contribution in the scheme of things, since \( D(E_0) \), which is proportional to the number of atoms in the crystal, is such a large number by comparison.
Really, the take-away seems to be that heat capacity is linear with respect to temperature... at least to a first order approximation. At the same time, it's interesting to note that this approach implies that different values of \(\mu\) and \(E\) don't affect the heat capacity whatsoever, though that could be a result inherent to either the rough handling of \(\mu\) or the idealized 1-dimensional nature of the problem.
Have a great 3-day weekend everyone.
density of states,
energy states,
fermi function,
specific heat,
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Density of States
Additionally, let's work on density of states as a function of energy. So far we have calculated the energy of a bunch of states (one band) as a function of q. Can we turn that into a density of states as a function of energy?
To provide ourselves a concrete goal, let's work toward calculating the specific heat* of a 1D crystal with a band of the states we just calculated that is:
1) full
2) half full
*The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius... (i googled it)
To provide ourselves a concrete goal, let's work toward calculating the specific heat* of a 1D crystal with a band of the states we just calculated that is:
1) full
2) half full
*The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius... (i googled it)
Discussion Regarding N Atom System with N Free Electrons
I wanted to start a discussion regarding the question posed at the end of the last class regarding how many states would be filled in a system of N atoms and N free electrons.
My thoughts are that N states would be filled when disregarding spin. I think this is sort of analogous to the problem we solved for the normal modes of masses connected by springs (although maybe it isn't). In the normal mode situation we found that for N degrees of freedom there are N normal modes and I think in the case of states if we have N atoms and N free electrons we will have we can kind of think of it as N degrees of freedom so N number of states filled. (I don't really like this explanation so if you have any better ideas please post them!)
Now when we include spin I think we will find that there will be N/2 states filled. I think that each electron has two possible states that it can fill. One of those being a shared state with another electron, but with opposite spin to the electron whose state it's sharing. If the probability of the electron occupying the same state as another electron is 1/2 which I think it is in our current model in which we disregard electron electron interaction than the number of states filled should be N/2.
Does this sound reasonable to you guys?
My thoughts are that N states would be filled when disregarding spin. I think this is sort of analogous to the problem we solved for the normal modes of masses connected by springs (although maybe it isn't). In the normal mode situation we found that for N degrees of freedom there are N normal modes and I think in the case of states if we have N atoms and N free electrons we will have we can kind of think of it as N degrees of freedom so N number of states filled. (I don't really like this explanation so if you have any better ideas please post them!)
Now when we include spin I think we will find that there will be N/2 states filled. I think that each electron has two possible states that it can fill. One of those being a shared state with another electron, but with opposite spin to the electron whose state it's sharing. If the probability of the electron occupying the same state as another electron is 1/2 which I think it is in our current model in which we disregard electron electron interaction than the number of states filled should be N/2.
Does this sound reasonable to you guys?
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015
Homework problem
\(E_q \Psi_q = H \Psi_q \)
find \(E_q\) vs q.
Would someone like to do a more detailed post of this problem? Please let me know if you would like to be added as an author for this blog. Then you can do your own post which makes editing possible, etc.
For this problem, you can assume that you are given a single atom potential as well as the energy of the ground state for that and the ground state wave function. The crystal potential is a sum of single atom potentials with appropriate displacement, and we assume eigenstates in the form given in class, i.e., single atom wave functions with phase factors that depend on q and on the displacement.
find \(E_q\) vs q.
Would someone like to do a more detailed post of this problem? Please let me know if you would like to be added as an author for this blog. Then you can do your own post which makes editing possible, etc.
For this problem, you can assume that you are given a single atom potential as well as the energy of the ground state for that and the ground state wave function. The crystal potential is a sum of single atom potentials with appropriate displacement, and we assume eigenstates in the form given in class, i.e., single atom wave functions with phase factors that depend on q and on the displacement.
Eigenvectors and dispersion relation.
Here is my summary of what we did last class with regard to finding the eigenvectors for an infinite 1D lattice. The eigenvectors are indexed by q and the oscillation frequency depends on q. The relationship, between frequency and q, is called a dispersion relation. One has to limit the range of q to avoid duplicate eigenvectors. Can someone delineate how that works and what the range of q should be before class today? Please comment here.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Latex posting and testing.
Feel free to test your latex phrases here. I think that things enclosed with a slash-paren will be interpreted as latex now. Anyone want to write a short tutorial?
Friday, January 2, 2015
Lattice Vibrations
The following is a video introducing our study of lattice vibrations. I'd like you to be familiar with this before our first class. Familiarity with this sort of hermitian matrix, particularly their eigenvectors, eigenvalues and their origin in the context of lattice vibrations, would be very helpful I believe.
At around 35 minutes there is an issue that you can think about and discuss here. It has to do with the origin of non-zero matrix elements in the upper right and lower left -what that means and why it might be a cool thing.
I am looking forward to seeing your questions and comments here.
From George Courcoubetis, here is a solution to the problem from first class. Starting from newton's third law! MUNKU0lRUDg0NGs/view?usp= sharing
At around 35 minutes there is an issue that you can think about and discuss here. It has to do with the origin of non-zero matrix elements in the upper right and lower left -what that means and why it might be a cool thing.
I am looking forward to seeing your questions and comments here.
From George Courcoubetis, here is a solution to the problem from first class. Starting from newton's third law!
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