Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Physics 155 homework. due Friday.

1a. Write all eigenvectors and their eigenvalues to linear order in t/U (assuming t/U <1). (You can set \(E_o\) to zero if you want. I don't think it it matters, that is, I don't think it influences any eigenvectors and I think it is just added to each eigenvalue (energy).

1b. For each eigenevector, present your understanding of its nature. To what physical situation does it correspond?  Relate that to its energy.

2. Comment on the post "How do you feel about matrices"

3. What else would you like me to ask you? Any suggestions?

4. Extra credit: Is there a possible relationship between states we have obtained for the 2 electron system and anti-ferromagnetism?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't understand what physical situation our eigenvector of the form [a,-1,1,a] corresponds to. Can anyone explain?
